Web resources helpful for librarians doing research

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current awareness



"CONSERline (ISSN 1072-611X) is published at least semiannually by the Library of Congress, Serial Record Division, and is a continuation of CONSER, a newsletter issued only in paper format. CONSERline is a cooperative effort with contributions from program members consisting of news of the CONSER Program and information of interest to the serials cataloging community. " -- About page

Informed Librarian Online

"THE INFORMED LIBRARIAN ONLINE is a monthly compilation of the most recent tables of contents from over 275 titles - valuable domestic and foreign library and information-related journals, e-journals, magazines, e-magazines, newsletters and e-newsletters." -- Title page

Information Today NewsBreaks

"Print publishing schedules don't always accommodate the FLASH! of breaking news, something we at Information Today, Searcher, and the other ITI publications struggle with as we try to keep you up-to-date on library and information industry news. That's why we've decided to post NewsBreaks here on the ITI Web site." -- Title page

Jinfo (formerly Free Pint)

"Jinfo supports your organisation's information strategy through unique and practical content, community and consulting on information sources, technology and value." -- "Homepage" page

Keeping Up With...

"Keeping Up With� is an online current awareness publication from the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) featuring concise briefs on trends in academic librarianship and higher education. Each edition focuses on a single issue including an introduction to the topic and summaries of key points, including implications for academic libraries." -- Homepage


"[T]his is a lot more about Librarian Media Culture since it's mainly links and a lot of what you can find to link to is the media." -- "About" page

Library Assessment

"Library Assessment is a blog for and by librarians interested in defining library values and impact, library assessment, evaluation, and improvement, supported by the Association of Research Libraries. " -- About page

Library Research Round Table (ALA)

"LRRT was founded in 1968 to contribute toward the extension and improvement of library research; to provide public program opportunities for describing and evaluating library research projects and for disseminating their findings; to inform and educate ALA members concerning research techniques and their usefulness in obtaining information with which to reach administrative decisions and solve problems; and expand the theoretical base of the field. To serve as a forum for discussion and action on issues related to the literature and information needs for the field of library and information science." -- Title page

Library Science List

"A new social community for librarians worldwide. " -- Title page

Library Weblogs

This is a list of library-related weblogs (blogs)." -- Title page


"LISNews is the site for everyone with an interest in Library and Information Science. LISNews is loaded with relevant and interesting news and features. LISNews is not another huge collection of links to everything librarian on the internet This is a place to check up on the news that relates to library and information science." -- "About" page

NewPages Weblog

"The Alternative Guide to New Books, Magazines & Music along with News from the Net of Interest to Booksellers, Publishers, Librarians, Writers & Readers." -- Title page


(Users who become members receive the most benefits; membership is free. The site does include a section for library and information science. The book as an entity receives attention under "Knowledge.")

"PapersINVITED.com was conceived and developed to assist those numerous scientists, professors and student researchers who have had a difficult time in tracking the Calls for Papers from various universities and professional bodies. PapersINVITED.com brings an exhaustive list of Calls for Papers in all areas of specialization to your fingertips." -- Title page

Peter Scott's Library Blog

Formerly Library News Daily. "The latest news on databases, conferences, services, software, vendors, and more." -- Library News Daily Title page


"ResearchBuzz is designed to cover the world of Internet research. To that end this site provides almost daily updates on search engines, new data managing software, browser technology, large compendiums of information, Web directories -- whatever. If in doubt, the final question is, 'Would a reference librarian find it useful?' If the answer's yes, in it goes!" -- "About" page


"A daily newsletter with resources of interest to information professionals, educators and journalists." -- Title page

Scout Report

"The Scout Report is the flagship publication of the Internet Scout Project. Published every Friday both on the web and by email, it provides a fast, convenient way to stay informed of valuable resources on the Internet. Our team of professional librarians and subject matter experts select, research, and annotate each resource." -- "About" page

Search Engine Watch

Reports developments in the world of search engines.

The Signal

From the Library of Congress - "�The Signal� is meant to elicit two images. The name sounds a bit like a town newspaper, one that has timely information that people can put to practical use. That is our basic intent�discuss digital stewardship in a way that is informative and appealing. �Signal� also associates with computer technology, most especially management, transmission and use of data. Technology is moving fast, and we cover exciting new developments that have an impact on digital preservation and access. - About page

Steven Bell's Keeping Up Web Site

"The Keeping Up Web Site is designed to help library and information science professionals, information technologists, instructional technologists, and other academic technology support professionals develop and maintain a program of self-guided professional development. " -- Title page

The Virtual Chase: Legal Research on the Internet Alert

"TVC Alert, a free weekday research news bulletin distributed by listserv�, notifies subscribers about: information industry news affecting library and legal professionals who conduct research on the Internet, research strategies for finding information of potential interest to library and legal professionals, quality Web sites, and substantive changes to The Virtual Chase." -- Title page


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